What is wax thc?

Wax is the product resulting from a process known as extraction, in which THC is packaged in a substance that is basically pure THC. The wax itself can vary in texture and strength depending on this method, but most of the time it's sticky and waxy (hence the name).

What is wax thc?

Wax is the product resulting from a process known as extraction, in which THC is packaged in a substance that is basically pure THC. The wax itself can vary in texture and strength depending on this method, but most of the time it's sticky and waxy (hence the name). Cannabis wax can contain up to 90% THC and provides a truly unique effect of its kind. Wax may also be ideal if you have a serious medical condition and are desperate for quick relief from your symptoms.

Named for its viscous, sticky and amber consistency, marijuana wax is a potent cannabis extract. With THC concentrations of up to 90%, wax is the most sought after by recreational cannabis users who have developed a high tolerance to THC or by patients seeking immediate and lasting relief. While cannabis can cause psychedelic experiences that can have a negative impact on mood, marijuana wax intensifies these experiences due to the higher concentration of THC in the product. With a high concentration of cannabinoids and an average THC content of between 60 and 80%, a little wax goes a long way.

The higher concentration of THC in waxes and edible products can lead to unintentional overconsumption, which can cause a variety of symptoms, from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome to symptoms of psychosis.